Every night, I step outside before bed.
I stand and gaze up at the stars.
The magic, the wonder, the hope just beyond reach.
It might be naïveté to think there is hope in those small specks of light
It might be naive be to think there is more out there.
But, that hope is all I have.
When I was younger I would make a wish on the first star I’d see at night.
looking out my window, gazing at the sky, I’d pick the brightest star.
My hopes and dreams went into that light and,
Those stars eventually led me to you.
Now, I am older, wiser and more aware.
I have traveled roads people don’t pass through in their lifetime.
I have survived storms that have brought down the most unsinkable ships.
And I know, stars can not grant wishes for things that are not there.
But, still every night- I look to the sky. I find not the brightest star but the dimmest star in sight. For a star is just a bright brilliant light. That Light has a time frame. A spand of time that is unknown. Just like life. Just like love. That light can go out without warning.
Soon that star will turn to dust.
But, I give that star one last chance to make a wish come true.
I look at that star and I think if you. I wish for you.
I know the chances are grim. A chance to make my forever wish come true. My mind knows what my heart does not. My love, I will forever wish for you. I will always dance with the stars. I will always think of you.