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A Look at Life After Suicide Loss

This blog has been created by a suicide loss survivor.

Follow me on my journey through grief, loss, guilt and acceptance.

Learn to accept the things you cannot change, be willing to accept those you can and have the strength to know the difference.  One day at a time. One breath at a time. One act of kindness at a time. Speak your voice. Speak your truth. Find your dragonfly.


In Loving Memory of my wife,

Courtney Ann Reis Nov 11, 1988- June 10, 2019

Home: Welcome

721 Days ago...

It was June 2nd, 2019. A weekend... that meant my brother, sister-in-law- Bre and my then 4 month old niece were staying at my house...


I started writing in my notebook but quickly realized my fingers type faster and can keep up with my thoughts better than my handwriting-...


Hi. hi, baby hi. hi. I just looked at my favorite photo of you and those were the words that came out of my mouth as tears fell. I kept...

Reflecting on gratitude

It’s Thanksgiving. 5 years ago today you met my family for the first time. Thanksgiving 2015, my first holiday without my dad. You drove...

11/11 take 2

I woke up early this morning, looked at the clock and went back to sleep. I couldn’t tell if I was physically crying or if it was just my...

I’m Not

What a weekend. I’m grateful. I’m happy. I know there’s still a long road... but, some anxiety about the world around me has been lifted....

4, 3, 2, 1

So, fun things happen in life. Sometimes you move on to new therapists at the recommendation of your old... and I’m kind of glad I did....

That’s the email I used when I created this blog. That email address was the one Court and I created to keep all of our wedding stuff...

My Happy Place

I’m in Rhode Island for the week. It’s the same week we’d come every year. This year, I brought Court‘s ashes to spread in certain places...

Hey Babe, I'm Mad at You.

Maybe you don't deserve my anger. And, honestly I HATE being mad at you. I was never mad at you... or if I was, there was always a...


Grief and loss suck. Just when you think you've come far and have gotten through "the worst" it hits you in the face. Last Thursday I...


It’s here. I’m not sure how it got here but, it has. So far I’ve woken up, got to kiss my niece, drive to Rhode Island, shop at marshalls...

If you were here

If you were here today, you'd sit down and tell me all the things you never got to say... You'd tell me you watch over me though the...

525,600 Minutes

The date keeps approaching and I'm not sure what to do. Soon the memories wont be last year, soon it will be two years ago on this day...


So... today is my 30th Birthday. A day I have looked forward to since I met Court... I know I've mentioned before that ONE of the last...

Mother's Day, 11mo.

Saturday night, I took a bath. My eyes gazed slowly down. A belly that was not growing life. That's what this Mother's Day had found. You...

It’s ok to do nothing, right?

Through this whole journey people have been telling me it’s ok to stay in bed all day or not get dressed. It’s OK every once in a while...


Again no title for this. There are no words nor a "catchy phrase" to type in the box above. How about the word "Nightmare". There is SO...

4 more days.

I'm 4 days out from 10 months. Double digits. I remember being so excited to turn 10 when I was a kid. It felt so cool. Thinking of a...

Blank Space

5:57am. I’ve been up since 2:30... another sleepless night. I feel it in my chest but I don’t know what’s going on in my head. My mind...

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